On Creating Community in Your Practice

Creating community is critical to building a high-performing practice culture. The benefits of developing a shared sense of purpose, open communication and collaboration extend far beyond your practice into the lives of your team members and your patients.

We often discuss how the advancements in technology, globalization, and instant information sharing have made the world a smaller place. Ironically, despite this connectivity, these factors do not necessarily create a sense of belonging or connection. They provide diverse information and opinions ad nauseam, but they do not ground us emotionally, physically, or psychologically. To create a sense of belonging, we must explore how an authentic community is formed and transformed, and what fundamental shifts are involved. It’s more critical now than ever to focus on building a high-performing practice culture.



Create Connection

Measures of practice health include economy, education, health, and safety. But they also include integrity, accountability, collaboration, and harmony. To improve, we must create a community where each member feels connected and understands that their success is intertwined with the success of others. We should focus on people’s gifts rather than their deficiencies to build community. We also need to recognize the power everyone must make sustainable improvements in our communities.


Embrace Vulnerability

Vulnerability is a powerful tool for creating change. To change the culture, we must be willing to be open about our own fears and failures. We must have the courage to ask and encourage questions from our people. These types of honest conversations have the potential to bring about tremendous positive change in your culture.


Learn from One Another

The key to learning is to create in the practice a living example of how you want the future to be. The first principle of learning from one another is that all voices need to be heard, but not necessarily all at one time or by everybody. What makes this successful is that almost everything important happens in a small group. Peer-to-peer interaction is where most learning takes place; it is the fertile earth where new knowledge is shared, and trust grows.


Engage Purposefully

Finally, how we engage with each other matters. Our interactions should be respectful, honest, and focused on finding solutions. By prioritizing these values, we can create a community where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.


Insights are great, but what action can you take today?

Prioritize building a high-performing practice culture. This means taking intentional steps to create a community within the workplace that fosters a sense of belonging and connection for all employees.


Some steps to take might include:


  1. Developing a shared sense of purpose: Work with team members to define a common goal that everyone can work towards. This helps create a sense of unity and direction.
  2. Encouraging open communication: Make sure that everyone has a chance to voice their opinions and ideas. This creates a culture of inclusivity and openness.
  3. Creating opportunities for collaboration: Encourage team members to work together on projects and assignments. This helps to build relationships and a sense of trust.
  4. Celebrating success: Recognize and celebrate achievements, both big and small. This helps to build a positive and supportive work environment.


By taking these steps, you can create a culture where employees feel valued, connected, and motivated to do their best work. This, in turn, can lead to a high-performing team that is more resilient and better equipped to navigate the challenges of an ever-changing world.

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On Creating Community in Your Practice

Creating community is critical to building a high-performing practice culture. The benefits of developing a shared sense of purpose, open communication and collaboration extend far beyond your practice into the lives of your team members and your patients.

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