Hire The Right People and Keep Them Long Term.

KOLBE™ Certified. We work with you to evaluate your potential new hires more effectively. We work with you and your team to create a performance culture through enhanced communication. This maximizes profits, optimizes performance, and creates a practice environment people love.

Our Services

KOLBE™ Certified Training, Development, Consulting and Leadership Coaching for Dental Practices


PCI Perfect Practice Program


Clearly define and align the needs of each role in your practice.


Expand your team by hiring the RightFit™ for the role and your team.


On-board and integrate new-hires into your high-performance culture.


Create and implement a successful Performance Communication Culture in your practice.


Highlight your natural strengths and opportunities for growth.


Become the leader you want and need to be.

RightFit™ Recruitment Vetting

Hiring the right person for the job, for your team and for you starts long before you begin your search. Using data from Kolbe A and C assessments, we can highlight an applicant's strengths, and how they will fit in the role with your existing team and you as the Leader of your practice. As a Kolbe Certified company, we use candidate's Kolbe results, combined with our own proprietary scenario-based testing to give you an accurate snapshot of how a potential new hire will perform in their job over time.

New Hire Pre-boarding & Onboarding

We provide online orientation and training before your new hire starts their first day. This allows you to set the expectations and practices of your specific office and to introduce them to a performance communication culture.

Performance Communication Training

One of the most important aspects of any environment is its culture. Have you ever noticed that if you put an average person in a high-performance culture, they will likely improve? While conversely, you can put a top performer in a poor culture and they will either perform badly or just leave. This year-long program is designed to engage your entire staff to create open and positive communication, and a clearly communicated and vibrant practice culture that fosters optimal performance from every member of your team.

Leadership Training

It's usually what we can't see that holds us back. In order to create and build a high-performance culture, it must be top-down and bottom-up. So we work with your practice owners, leadership and stakeholders, delivering live leadership, culture and performance coaching once a week for a 3-month period.

What if you could know how a new hire will perform on the job over the long term?

By utilizing Kolbe or other psychometric testing results, along with our proprietary scenario-based evaluation, we can more accurately show how a potential new team member will perform over time in the real world.

Why Work With Us

Reduce Hiring Risk and Cost

Eliminate or reduce the cost of a mis-hire with RightFit™.

Keep Your Existing Team

People stay in jobs they love with people they love. As an employer, your staff wants safety and value.

Increase Employee Retention

By mitigating or eliminating conflict and miscommunication, your team can focus on being a team and doing a job that they love.

Develop Yourself

You know how to be a dentist, and run an office, but most dentists have never developed themselves as leaders. You don’t have to do it alone with our certified coaching program.

Success Stories

Client Testimonials

“We cut costs by 40% while increasing the speed of hiring and on-boards by 33%”
Kris O.
“After doing a custom 2 Day intensive with Christopher, we were able to reduce hours, increase the satisfaction of me and my team and double the size of our practice in 2 months. In fact, we had to double the size of our space.”
Dr. Robert B.
THP Center
“After a single creative brainstorming session, my entire practice was buzzing, and we had created an incentivized plan to increase our patient base and business. We have been able to attract more new patients in the past 2 months than in the last 2 years”
Christopher G.
“Since working with PCI, and implementing their hiring strategies in candidate and role evaluation, we are attracting more of the right people, and making the right hiring decisions. New-hires are fitting in with our team so quickly.”
Dr. Nelson B.
Health Matters
"The conversational, question-based approach has helped me see myself and my actions from other people's shoes, which has allowed me to (slowly) get better at adapting my own approach to relationships with key individuals within my company."
Brett's skill as a consultant is unsurpassed as he has a unique ability to help his clients understand the some of the deeper impediments that prevent individuals from moving forward in the direction they desire.
Conceivable, Inc.

Trusted By

California Board of Nursing CME Accredited